Saturday 6 February 2010

Monday 1 February 2010


The Norwegian Church before it's re-location and rebuild.

County Hall well advanced.

Customs building, north side of the Roath dock.

Tyneside yard

Tyneside yard.

Demolishon of the old QA dock cold store.

Now Pierhead Rd/Pierhead St.
North side of the Roath dock.

REGENERATION: Taken from the clock tower of Pierhead Building.

On the right of the picture is the now defunct Maritime Museum.

The Norwegian Church now in it's present location. Drydock buildings on the right and left of this picture now a memory. The single story white building in the upper middle is the Port Medical Centre.
Another view of the Maritime Museum.

Discharging fruit juice.

Sunday 31 January 2010

Above: Tony Clarke.
Left: Bobby Simmonds.

Phil Steel, Jim Finney and Tony Smith.
John Thomas

On left: Stuart Davies