Saturday 16 January 2010

Viv Harrison. Timekeeper.

Joe Clements

Friday 15 January 2010

Snow brings down part of 'A' shed roof.

The canteen cleaner takes a half day from her duties in 'B' shed,

Kitty, a real canteen lady.
Ernie Thorburn retires.
Danny Mears.....The Godfather.
Danny Mears & Sid Soloman selecting a grapefruit for breakfast.
Terry Kemble & Patrick McHugh.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Frank Satori pictured in the late sixties standing on the roof of 'H' shed (now #1 Berth) Also see the 'pond' in the background.

Another view from 'H' shed roof.

A Campbells steamer moored in the Queen Alexandra dock.

Another from the roof of 'H'

Bobby Colley & Martin Mears pictured outside the staff messroom. 'C' shed can be seen back left and 'A' shed back right.
'A' shed foreman Johnny Jones scratches his head at another problem, holding the bike is Billy Bowden.
East Dock. Picture taken from the Stuart Warehouse, looking towards #11 Bond, building is still there, now an architects office. (I think).
Another view from the Stuart warehouse.